The Beloved Patterns knitting magazine brings iconic Finnish wallpaper designs to woollen socks and other knitted creations! Within its pages, you'll find 20 previously unreleased knitting patterns inspired by the most beloved wallpaper designs from the Finnish wallpaper factory Tapettitehdas Pihlgren ja Ritola. Is your favourite Auringonkukka ("sunflower"), Kirsikkapuu ("cherry tree"), or perhaps Kukot ("roosters")?
_x005F_x000D_This thick, 124-page magazine in English offers knitting instructions suitable for various skill levels, with patterns ranging from easy to moderately challenging. The recommended yarns are favourites among Finnish knitters, but can also be substituted with your local yarns. Alongside stranded colourwork socks, you can knit clothing and accessories from scarves to sweaters and bags to beanies, and there are even a few patterns for home items like dishcloths and throw blankets. If you haven't already succumbed to the knitting craze yourself, this magazine is an excellent gift idea for any enthusiastic craftsperson in your life!
_x005F_x000D_The first issue of Beloved Patterns knitting magazine was released on January 25, 2023. The patterns have been designed by a group of Finland's most popular knitwear designers, including Anna Johanna, Anjuknits (Anna Tanskanen), Ronja Hakalehto, Niina Laitinen, Mia Sumell, Sara Rönnback, and Minttu Wikberg.